Windows 7 slower than Vista?

Windows 7 slower than Vista?

Well I’ve been working on my article for Windows 7 x64 vs Vista x64 on my new Quad-Core budget PC that I built for some home gaming, and I just started doing the benchmarks for Windows 7 in overclocked form. I must say… I’m extremely surprised that I’m not seeing the same results that everyone else is seeing.

I thought that when I was doing the comparison at stock speeds, I would see a bigger difference once I overclocked, but even now, it is pretty much the same and even slower in some cases.

If I had to take a guess as to what is going on, I’d say that there are still some driver issues to be worked out. The parts are all pretty new parts, but I was able to install all of the drivers in Windows 7 without a problem.

Anyways, it looks like I might end up choosing Vista to run on my home PC. I’m itchin to start playing some CS:S, Crysis and World in Conflict. 🙂

About The Author

Mike is an active member and entrepreneur in the firearms and motorsports industries, current President & CEO of Allstar Tactical, adjunct professor at Monroe Community College, as well as contributor to other blogs and publications. When not active in his various entrepreneurial ventures, Mike is involved in several hobbies including, electronic music, radio controlled vehicles, riding motorcycles, watches, fitness, family and causing his wife grief.


  • Karl on May 7, 2009

    Yep my Win7 beta was faster than my vista, but my win 7 rc1 is way slower than the beta.

    in game play tests im getting 50fps slower in win 7

    thats with a x2 4400 and ati 9.3 vista/7 driver 🙁

    was the fast beta just a M$ trick to start a buzz :/

    • mikecentola on May 25, 2009

      That wouldn’t surprise me if windows did something like that to create hype.

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