MOTUS 666 Drill
Having been one of the first few to test out and complete the MOTUS 666 drill, I was honored to be able to create a small promo video for them. When they finally launched their new website, along with the 666 drill, I’ve been bugging them for more details on what I could and could not post regarding the specifics of the drill.
MOTUS, when loosely translated from Latin, means moved, stirred and inspired. MOTUS is a new idea, a new concept. Provide the enlightened adventurer, the curious novice and skilled practitioner a window into the possibilities of the world. he modern world presents us with a set of challenges unique to our time. Rapid access to information is sometimes mistaken for knowledge and skill. Those of us who believe that a strong basic set of fundamentals are essential, and look to the past to gain the keys to the future, are the core of this tribe.
The MOTUS website now includes a Training Section, where they offer premium content combining in-depth skills and training editorials with hands-on classes that are held throughout the country. “Whether you’re looking to improve you shooting skills, learn the best way to recover a stuck vehicle, or be knowledgeable and prepared when disaster strikes, the goal of MOTUS Training is prepare you the knowledge and knowhow so you’re ready for anything. Unlike other training that concentrates solely on one skill set, MOTUS Training seeks to provide a well-rounded approach for both beginners and seasoned adventurers.”
The MOTUS Training membership is a one-time fee of just $15, which provides “members only” access to the various premium content, exclusive patches, and advanced notice on upcoming training classes, along with access to the MOTUS 666 drill.
The purpose of the 666 Drill is to test the core fundamentals of marksmanship and practical handgun manipulation. Specifically, the shooter will need to demonstrate the ability to draw from a holster, engage targets quickly and accurately, transition to another target, reload efficiently, and mitigate recoil throughout the drill. Upon completion by a premium member within the prescribed time, and verified by MOTUS staff, the shooter will earn the coveted MOTUS 666 Challenge Coin, and become members of an exclusive number of shooters who have demonstrated the required proficiency.
Make sure you watch the video above and feel free to leave any comments or questions on here or on the YouTube video.
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