Some Pics and Video from Autocrossing

Some Pics and Video from Autocrossing

This past Sunday I was able to get over to the Finger Lakes Region SCCA Autocross. I had a great time and while I only came in 11th place, I improved greatly throughout the day. I had never autocrossed a rear wheel drive car before, so it took some getting used too! I plan to attend the next one on October 5th, to see how I would do 🙂

Video of my last run:

Some pics from the day:

S2K AutoX

S2K AutoX

S2K AutoX

S2K AutoX

S2K AutoX

Can’t wait for next time!

About The Author

Mike is an active member and entrepreneur in the firearms and motorsports industries, current President & CEO of Allstar Tactical, adjunct professor at Monroe Community College, as well as contributor to other blogs and publications. When not active in his various entrepreneurial ventures, Mike is involved in several hobbies including, electronic music, radio controlled vehicles, riding motorcycles, watches, fitness, family and causing his wife grief.

1 Comment

  • Chris Dickey on November 24, 2008

    Hy Mike,

    I work with a company called VIO that manufacturers a very cool, robust, hi-res video camera called the POV.1. I noticed you’ve been testing GoPro recently – if you would like to test the POV.1, just let us know. I think you would really dig the comparison.

    p 307.733.1514

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