Czech Arms Kevlar Varmint .308 Rifle

Czech Arms Kevlar Varmint .308 Rifle

Picked this up locally a week or two ago. It was used, but in perfect condition!

It’s a Czech Arms 550 Kevlar Varmint with a Nikon 3-9×40 Scope and a bipod. The barrel is a 26″ heavy style barrel. Looks like it would be very accurate. I still have yet to shoot it!

It’s chambered for .308 rounds and the shop gave me some with the gun, but like I said, I haven’t had a chance to get to a range and sight it in good.

Czech Arms Kevlar Varmint

Czech Arms Kevlar Varmint

About The Author

Mike is an active member and entrepreneur in the firearms and motorsports industries, current President & CEO of Allstar Tactical, adjunct professor at Monroe Community College, as well as contributor to other blogs and publications. When not active in his various entrepreneurial ventures, Mike is involved in several hobbies including, electronic music, radio controlled vehicles, riding motorcycles, watches, fitness, family and causing his wife grief.

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