

Folding@Home is a distributed computing application, unlike any of the others. The goal of the project is to understand protein folding, misfolding, and their impact on various cancers and diseases. Scientists speculate that the result of misfolding is what causes diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and more. The distributed computing application does computations that help the project.

I have been contributing to the project on and off for over 4 years. You can see my personal stats here. I encourage everyone to check it out and give it a shot. The program runs in the background of your computer, doing the calculations with the idle cycles left over within the computer.

In addition to just helping out as an individual, I have started a team for folding. Our team, Technotic Media Folding, has done pretty well over the years. At one point we were about 435th out of over 50000 teams.

If you would like to help our team out, you can go to Folding@Home and download the software for your computer. Once installed, pick a username, and put in 34583 as the team number, and you’re good to go!

About The Author

Mike is an active member and entrepreneur in the firearms and motorsports industries, current President & CEO of Allstar Tactical, adjunct professor at Monroe Community College, as well as contributor to other blogs and publications. When not active in his various entrepreneurial ventures, Mike is involved in several hobbies including, electronic music, radio controlled vehicles, riding motorcycles, watches, fitness, family and causing his wife grief.

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